
Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Coyote's Killing our Deer Herds

Living in McKean County, right on the Pennsylvania and New York border, I have talked to many people about the issues we have here in our community with the packs of coyote's living in our hemlocks and pines. They are killing the deer and even attacking and killing our neighbor's cows, which is devastating to the farmers because those animals are these people's livelihoods. I lay awake at night sometimes, only to hear my brother's cows bellering and bellering because they are so afraid of these critters who are out to attack and hunt them. I've spoken with many people who say that the coyote's have even come into their yards looking for food.

Friends and family members of mine would like to see an organized hunt of coyote's in Pennsylvania because I personally have no interest in even allowing my son to go into the woods for a nature hike in fear that these hungry animals would attack and hurt him too. I remember the good ole days when my brother and sisters would often go into the woods, looking for wildflowers or to simply explore. It's really unfortunate that children can't be allowed to do that anymore. Maybe it's just the Mom in me who is paranoid, but I do believe there is a real problem with those predators and of course, I know there are also mountain lions here (even though the game commission says there are not, but residents of Pennsylvania, we know better).

Pennsylvania Fishing Fines

Did you know that if you are fishing, that the fish and game commission can issue you a citation if you're car registration has expired? They sure can and I was so surprised. Of course, I had totally forgotten to take care of business, innocent mistake, but yep, the game commission wardens can issue the same type of ticket that the Pennsylvania State Police can issue. I had no idea how much power they had :-)
